As spring and summer arrive, it’s important to take care of the borders in your garden. At John Miller Garden Machinery we have a range of products that can help you maintain your borders and ensure that they are looking great in the summer months.
Here are some further tips to help:
Clear debris before preparing your borders
After the autumn and winter months, there might still be leaves and other debris on the borders. Excess debris makes it difficult to prepare the border and can also make it harder for the plants to grow.
Use a leaf blower to blow away debris from the borders. Using a rake or picking up debris by hand are alternatives to using a leaf blower but be careful when using rakes as they can pull up any plants from the ground that you want to keep. A leaf blower allows you to blow around the plants and emerging bulbs without damaging them.
Next, remove any large amounts of weeds or moss from the borders. Once all the debris and weeds are removed, it’s time for a bit of quality soil care!
Churn and replenish the soil
Plants grow best when soil is full of nutrients and in good condition - and one way to keep the soil at its best is by breaking up the soil and aerating it. This can be done manually with a spade or garden fork or, for an easier life and for larger borders and allotments, it’s best to use a rotavator which will churn the soil and aerate it properly before planting anything.
Rotavators are designed to significantly improve soil prior to planting and you can find out more about rotavators in our online garden shop
Cultivators and tillers, on the other hand, are similar to rotavators, and are perfect for borders. We stock a tiller attachment for the Stihl multi-tool which is nice and small, won’t dig very deep and reduces the risk of damaging existing plants. Buy cultivators and tillers online
It’s also recommended to add fertiliser to the borders and rake over the soil gently, being careful not to damage or catch any existing plants on the border.
Planting your borders
As soon as the borders are cleared and the soil has been treated, it’s time to do the planting. A border containing fully bloomed seasonal flowers and plants in the summer can be an amazing thing to have and it can make a big difference to the appearance of the garden.
Make sure to choose your plants and flowers wisely depending on where they will be located and the time of the year. If parts of the border are going to be in the shade (under the branches of an overhanging tree for example) then it’s best to plant a shrub that likes the shade. Be careful of moss if you have shaded areas where you also have lawn. Similarly, some plants love to be in direct sunlight as much as possible.
Once you have planted what you want, make sure to water the border regularly and remove any unwanted items such as weeds throughout the year. A leaf blower can also be used to quickly and carefully remove sticks and leaves that have landed on the borders.
Take a look at our full range of leaf blowers and garden vacs.
For more tips on managing and maintaining beautiful borders in your garden ask our garden care experts
With the right amount of preparation and ongoing care, your borders should look amazing throughout the summer. Enjoy!